The Survivor’s Network Mobile Application
The MOBILE APPLICATION is available on google play app store as SV-CASESTUDY. This is used for Reporting and Documenting of Sexual Violence cases.
Aspects captured by the Mobile Application
- Bio data (Name , Date of Birth, Sex, Education, Marital Status, ID/Passport Number County, self/ behalf)
- Before Incidence (Education, Employment status, Marital Status, Interpersonal relationship, Able to Meet Basic Needs)
Incidence Report: What is the type of sexual violence being reported/documented? (Age, Date (give option for more than incident), Time, Day, Location, Sub-County, County)
- Context (where the incident happened)- Public/ Private: Public (drop downs)- Church, School, Market, Roadside, Office, Public Transport, bars, Sport Arenas Other/Private.
- First responder (drop downs)—Family member, community health volunteer, gender defender, human rights defender, religious leader, chief, police, health practitioner...
- Kind of help received (Multiple Choice): Seeking medical attention, accompanying to the police station, counselling, financial support, Advice, Others...
- Measures taken to preserve evidence (Can choose more than one): Did not shower, put clothes in a brown paper bag, did not cut nails, preserved urine in a container, did not brush teeth, did not tamper with crime scene Others...
- Perpetrator – (Multiple Choice): Single, Multiple 1,2,3,4,5 Others...
Hospital (type-public/private, name of the hospital (to be keyed in), duration taken before reporting- drop down: time/day(s), kind of services offered (can choose more than one) counselling, examination, laboratory tests, PEP, Others...
Were you given a medical report/PRC form?
If not why? Fill in content - Police Station: Name of police station, who recorded the statement (female/male) Officer, OB Number, duration taken at the police station
- Information to be provided at the police station with regards to the process: Court dates, mention, hearing, trial, sentencing
After Incidence: (Status now, Feelings— unsafe, violated/abused, angry, disappointed, frustrated, Others…..)
- Thoughts now: (can choose more than one) Self-blame, suicidal, alone, revenge, silence, abortion
- Mental Health conditions: (can choose more than one) Panic Attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, stress, depression, fear, sleeping disorder, over eating, loss of appetite...
- Changes after the incidence: (can choose more than one) relocated, stopped working, dropped out of school, change in financial status, threats, intimidation
- Consequence(s) as result of the incident : (can choose more than one) STIs, HIV, pregnancy, physical injuries, death, disabilities: vision impairment, deafness, mental, physical Others...
- Coping mechanisms: (can choose more than one) using drugs, alcohol, sex, eating, sleeping, isolation...
- Aftercare services: (can choose more than one) Counselling, medical check-ups, physiotherapy, reconstructive, surgery, Others...
- Change in relationship status: Multiple Choice- (Single, Married, Separated, Divorced)
- Feelings towards opposite sex: anger, hatred, threatened, fear, I don’t care, love
- Family Support: (can choose more than one) financial, emotional, psychological, moral
- Disclosure: Multiple Choice- Relative, Friend, Workmate, Social worker
- Change in spiritual life: (can choose more than one) Stopped going to church/mosque, Started praying more, Stopped praying, Changed religion, Others...
- Threats/Intimidation: (can choose more than one) Perpetrator, perpetrators friends or relatives, police, judicial officers, your relatives, friends, community members, Others...
- Protection: (can choose more than one) Family, relatives, friends, police, Chief community members, Others...
- Case Duration: Fill in content
- Case Conclusion: Dismissal Acquittal Conviction